My mission is to give you the sewing skills and confidence to help you achieve your goals, whether it is to know how to thread a sewing machine or to design and create a sewing or quilting project of your choice.
My love for sewing has been a life-long passion. Throughout the thirty years I taught business education and technology, I was a prolific sewer. Sewing gave me peace and calmed me after a stressful day in the classroom. When I retired in 1994, I realized I had an opportunity to begin a new career. Since I was a veteran teacher with a lifetime of sewing experience, I decided to start a sewing school - Sew Much Fun.
My purpose is to share my knowledge and sewing skills. I want young boys and girls to learn sewing skills they can use throughout their lives and also encourage men and women of all ages that they are never too old to learn how to sew. Sewing is a skill for all ages.
I've been asked numerous times why I continue to teach. The answer cannot be expressed in words. It is the knowledge that hundreds of women and girls will continue to sew long after Sew Much Fun. It is seen in the joy students express when they are successful. Sewing has brought joy and happiness to my life and I want as many who care to learn to have the same opportunity.
Colleen Murphy, Instructor
Colleen Murphy
Learn more about Sew Much Fun